What's the Vision?
We want to connect farms, food, and people to ensure that everyone has access to healthy food. We envision a Hudson Valley with a strong and growing farming community that conserves important farmland, supports greater food security, promotes diversity in agriculture, and advocates for food justice. We imagine a region where farming is an integral part of climate solutions, nurturing healthy communities in the Hudson Valley and beyond.
What's the Issue?
Farms are part of the Hudson Valley’s DNA. Many of the region’s Indigenous peoples like the Munsee Lenape, the Mohican, the Wappinger, the Schaghticoke, and the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) grew corn, beans and squash; during the American Revolution, the region emerged as the breadbasket of the 13 colonies. Today, more than 3,500 Hudson Valley farms are part of a vast foodshed network that provide fresh produce for the region, New York City, and beyond. Hudson Valley farms also provide thousands of jobs and contribute millions of dollars to the local economy each year.
But farms, and farming, face many challenges. Over 50,000 acres of farmland and 124 farms have been lost in the region since 2017. The impacts from climate change, combined with economic challenges mean that the business of farming is under unprecedented pressure. And despite the region’s bounty, access to healthy, sustainably-grown food isn’t shared equally. It is estimated that one in ten people in the Hudson Valley are food insecure, and one third of children in the region are eligible for free or reduced lunches.
What's the Status?
We are creating and sharing content to inspire, educate, and inform the public about the work Scenic Hudson and regional partners are doing to sustain HV farms and connect people with food now and for the future. Scenic Hudson has protected more than 22,000 acres across more than 145 farms — and has invested over $35 million dollars in Hudson Valley agriculture sector. They support farmers by providing technical assistance and training, particularly in regenerative agriculture and other climate-friendly practices that save the soil — as well as the planet.
Together with partners we are:
- Supporting local communities in accessing healthy, local food
- Lobbying in Albany and in Washington D.C. for state and federal policies that best support Northeast farmers
- Growing community gardens and farms in partnership with local neighborhoods
- Providing platforms that help connect and amplify community leadership
- Protecting farmland as well as sharing information and technical expertise about on-farm climate resilience
- Engaging and encouraging the next generation of farmers
- Getting the word out about farms by telling stories that amplify community voices and forge partnerships that help connect farms, food, and people
- Find a Hudson Valley Farmers’ Market
- Find a Hudson Valley Food Pantry
- Find a Community Supported Agriculture program to join at a local farm (many have multiple payment options including sliding scales and SNAP).
- Connect with Scenic Hudson to Protect Your Farmland
- Farmer Training:
– Cornell Small Farms Program
– Farmland for a New Generation New York
– Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming
– HV Farm Hub
– National Young Farmers Coalition - Farmer Assistance Organizations:
– Farm Bureau New York and local chapters
– Farm Credit East
– Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation
– Natural Resource Conservation Service
– New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets
– New York State Farmland Protection program
– Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York
– Rondout Valley Growers Association
– Cornell Cooperative Extension county offices
What can you do now?
SUPPORT LOCAL HUDSON VALLEY FARMS. Plan a visit to sample and enjoy the seasonal harvest and farm-fun activities.
VOLUNTEER at a community garden. It’s a great way to learn more about where your food comes from.
SIGN UP for a shift at a local food pantry.
STAND BEHIND NORTHEAST FARMERS by asking Congress to increase funding and expand programs in the next Federal Farm Bill.
ADD YOUR VOICE! We bring the voices of the Hudson Valley directly to the decision makers and policy makers shaping our future.